Golden Tips for UPSC Civil Services Personality Test : IAS Jitin Yadav

Greetings from 

Expert Talks 

15 Golden Tips for UPSC Civil Services Examination Personality Test/Interview - 

#1 Always allow the interview board member to interrupt you but never interrupt the board member.

#2 Answer one question at a time. Never mix the previous question with the new one.

#3 Do not look for ways to impress the interview board. Never be desperate to do that. Such moments come automatically during interview.

#4 Do not carry any pre conceived notions about the interview on basis of experiences of others. We explain interviews as per our perceptions.

#5 Do not feel under confident imagining how much you do not know. Focus on getting confidence from how much you already know.

(If you are a serious aspirant, then that is more than enough)

#6 Do not talk too much to fellow aspirants inside UPSC hall on Interview day. We have a tendency of thinking that their preparation is better than us.

(Some brush negativity on to others also)

#7 Optimum amount of nervousness is actually good for interview. If anxiety is in extremes, either too high or too low, then only it's a concern.

(Read Yerkes-Dodson Law - individual performs best with optimum amount of arousal)

#8 Whenever you feel under confident, imagine you are not the only one going through this. All aspirants appearing for interview are in the same boat. 

If they can do it, then you can also do it.

#9 Keep your dress code as simple as possible. There have been instances when a fancy watch or a tie decided the course of the interview. 

#10 Saying 'No' to a question in a polite manner fetches you more marks than giving wrong answers. The interview board appreciates honesty.

#11 Be a good listener and take a pause of few seconds before replying to an answer. 

Some aspirants start framing their answers before the question is finished. 

Never do that, we end up giving incomplete answers.

#12 Never show you are too desperate for getting selected. Your professional behavior should dominate rather than getting swayed by emotions.

#13 Factual questions are bombarded to make you nervous. It is completely fine even if you don't know their answers. Board wants to check how you respond after factual questions. 

Your ability to bounce back will be tested.

#14 Keep yourself safe from negative people. You motivation should be at its peak when you appear for the interview. 

Negative people pass on negativity. I stopped talking to people before the interview who used to pass negativity on to me.

#15 Interview is not a knowledge test, which has already been tested in Mains. Interview checks your personality traits via indirect method i.e. your response to questions will give them hints to assess your traits. 

So, be careful while giving responses to the questions asked.

Last but not the least. 

Best wishes to all aspirants appearing for the interview.

(IAS Jitin Yadav )


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